As far back as I can remember, I have been very interested in nature and always enjoyed being out in the field looking for animals. I love all animals but very early I developed a special affinity for amphibians and reptiles.
So for example when I was a little child, I started to help toads to cross the road during spring and in the summer I moved tadpoles from a puddle that was about to dry out to a nearby pond... I still do this today.
In 2010 I went to Costa Rica for three months to work as a volunteer in a nature conservation project. For this trip I bought my first DSLR camera. I immediately fell in love with this beautiful Central American country and nature photography developed into a great passion of mine.
In the following years I travelled several times to Costa Rica, until the "regular" vacations were no longer enough for me. During my visits I met many nice people and luckily a good friend whose family owns a beautiful Eco Lodge got me the opportunity to work as a naturalist guide for him. During many months of work in the rainforest I made unforgettable experiences and learned a lot.

Costa Rica isn't the only country I fell in love with. All the places visited in Southern Europe were amazing, but my favorite destination on this continent is Croatia. The diverse landscapes, the Adriatic Sea, the biodiversity... I love it!
Nowadays I live in Germany again with my wife and daughter. So traveling became a bit more difficult and long term stays are not possible anymore.
So I am happy to offer "short" individual nature tours to Costa Rica.
That way I am still able to see the flora, fauna and my friends there once in a while combined with the great adventure with like minded people, sharing my knowledge and fascination of this tropical paradise.