Shortly after its metamorphosis, the Noble's Robber Frog (Craugastor noblei) has quite different proportions than adult specimens. The head looks way too big for the small body.

The Red-eyed Treefrog (Agalychnis callidryas) will have much more intense colors when fully grown.

This Green-and-black Poison Dart Frog (Dendrobates auratus) already has its beautiful colors, but still the cute baby face.

Maybe it is the first night out of the water for this tiny Masked Treefrog (Smilisca phaeota). Recently it used to swim in the pond as a tadpole.

This young Leaf Litter Toad (Rhaebo haematiticus) has the same camouflage colors as the adult ones and due to its tiny size, it is even harder to spot.