I already mentioned it in my post about the Camouflage Viper: Eyelash Vipers (Bothriechis schlegelii) are extremely variable in coloration. Here I want to share some examples of color morphs with you.
This pale green coloration seems to be quite common. I have seen this juvenile Viper near La Fortuna.
When I am searching for gold in the rainforest, I am not talking about valuable metals. In spanish this yellow color morph is called "oropel" (tinsel / gold).
This light-brown to salmon colored Eyelash Viper was coiled up on a leaf of a Panama Hat Plant (Carludovica palmata), next to the trail in Cahuita National Park.
I have never seen another viper in this extremely bright color. The camouflage is actually very good, because the snake looked pretty much like the lichens on the branches.
I conclude with my favorite: The "christmas tree" color morph. Such a stunning snake!
I conclude with my favorite: The "christmas tree" color morph. Such a stunning snake!